A-Z Index

Pop-In Hours


Career Services would love to help you with any career-related questions or concerns you might have. Feel free to pop-in to our office Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM for quick on the spot help. Here are some of the topics we can help you with.

Resumes and Cover Letters

Resumes and Cover Letters

We can help you understand the different types of resumes, the importance of matching a job description and help you decide what to include in your resume.

Job and Internship Search

Job and Internship Search

Students often have so many choices and places to look they struggle with where to start. We can help you get the process started.

Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

The interview is one of the most important parts of your job/internship search. It can also be one of the scariest! We can help you prepare.

Evaluating Job Offers

Evaluating Job Offers

How do you decide which job or internship is right for you? What the difference between a 401k and an IRA?

Help With Majors

Help With Majors

Not sure what you want to do for the rest of your life? No problem, we can help you examine your options and develop a plan.

Career Event Preparation

Career Event Preparation

Career Day, Mock Interview Day, Next Day Interviews and more are great events for you to start networking and finding opportunities, but they can be scary. We can help you prepare.